Friday, January 22, 2016

Guest Post by Thor and Kristen Rooks

Foster care. It's something that had always been on my heart. I knew it would always be part of my life but I didn't know how. Thor and I had been married for 3 years when it became an overwhelming calling in my life. I knew I needed to answer that call but Thor didn't exactly feel the same way. I respected that and began figuring out other ways that I could be involved. I applied for a job with DHS to be a caseworker. I got the job and ended up turning it down because I just didn't have peace about it. Thor started to pray more about foster care and God started working in his heart. We had decided that we would become foster parents but that it would make more sense to wait until we were older, wiser and our kids were grown. Again WE were standing in the way of our calling. 

I always tell people if God is calling you to foster care you will know and He won't stop until you answer. There were so many flashing neon signs telling us that the time is now so we finally stopped fighting God. We surrendered our life and followed the plans he had for us. God has orchestrated every step of our fostering journey, which has been reassuring to us that we are following His plans, not ours. There have been some very physically and emotionally hard times during our journey. There have also been times that the sound of laughter in our home is so pure and beautiful that we want to build more bedrooms in our home. The thing about these kids that people don't realize is that they are good kids that have had bad things happen to them. They aren't bad kids. Most of them have been through more in their young lives than many adults. 

Seeing kids grow emotionally, physically, and spiritually in just a few months is beyond amazing. It's a miracle! Jesus told us that the most important thing we can do is love. Showing these kids love means you will fight for them, you will show them you care for them even when they spit in your face (literally), you show them they are family no matter what crazy thing they say to a stranger at the supermarket, and you will tuck them in at night and pray with them and tell them you love them and God loves them no matter what happens in their life. Love is not just words which many of these kids have heard over and over. Love is action which many of these good kids have never seen Love and God has blessed us to take action and show these kids His love for them.  

Many people tell us that we are such a blessing to these kids. I would argue that point, these young kids have shown us toughness, resilience, and that God is alive in us. So I ask you, will you challenge yourself to become uncomfortable? To become emotionally and physically drained? To surrender "your plans" for His plans? While you think about it there are 1,200 Oklahoma kids waiting to have a home. To be loved. Pray often and open heartedly because God does want to use you and he will guide you to where he wants you.

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